About Us
Lawyers who wish to recommend their clients to mediators are increasingly turning to us as independent family mediators.
Independent family mediators at the Why Use Local Mediation Practice Ltd assist divorced and separated spouses come to an agreement on the future of their family and themselves.
A family breakup of any kind may be an unpleasant and stressful moment. It’s also highly perplexing, and if there are children involved, the future may appear bleak for everyone concerned.
John Cohen was the brains behind the Why Use Local Mediation Practice Ltd. He is now a member of the Why Use Local Mediation Standards Board and was formerly a trustee of the Family Mediators Association Board of Trustees.
John was a family law barrister for many years before becoming a family mediator. You may learn more about John by visiting his website, which is located here.
We are empathetic and non-judgmental if you use The Why Use Local Mediation Practice Ltd. Please understand that we are not here to give advice or direct you in any way. We assist you and your ex-partner achieve an agreement on how things will operate during and after your divorce and separation by giving you the tools and creating an environment where you and your ex-partner can communicate freely.
According to research, mediated divorces and separations can provide estranged spouses a realistic and practical plan for the future. At a time when communication and trust are at an all-time low, it might help to reestablish such things.
Please contact us immediately at 078 8841 0668 if you would like to talk with an independent family mediator.
Parenting, financial and property disputes can be resolved without the need for a courtroom battle. In many cases, mediation is required before you can even begin the process of requesting a hearing in court. In cases involving children or families, governments and courts alike believe that mediation is the most effective method of resolving differences. In the long run, mediation is less stressful and less expensive for everyone involved than litigation. Miams family mediation
About The Why Use Local Mediation Practice
An independent family mediation practise, Why Use Local Mediation helps divorced and separating spouses come to an agreement rather than battling it out in court.
You may be eligible for legal assistance to help pay for family mediation.
Contact The Why Use Local Mediation Practice
Call one of our independent family mediators on 078 8841 0668. Click here to send a private message.